“May my soul bloom in love for all existence” 

Rudolph Steiner







About Natascia Fachetti.


Natascia is a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST), registered member of the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapist (PACT). She has been practicing BCST since 2018.

With her truly compassionate and non judgmental nature, Natascia specialises on treating clients who want to resolve Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), grief, emotional and/or sexual trauma.

Naturally gifted with a high intuitive perception of the human system and the somatic memory stored at its cellular level, her expertise has expanded and refined through BCST and continues to hold a profound reverence for the inner intelligence of our bodies and deep acknowledgment of its healing capacity.

Natascia has been practicing complementary therapies for more than a decade and recognises BCST as the modality that best suits her holistic style of practice and the rate of success she wants to deliver to her clients.

Although Natascia specialises on emotional imbalances, she continues to treat an extensive range of typologies and welcomes all ages, including young children and the elderly.


What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy  (BCST)?


BCST is a body-led therapy, based on reverence, full respect and deep value of the inner body intelligence and self healing capacity of each individual.

Originated in Osteopathy, BCST derives from the discoveries made by
Osteopath Dr William Garner Sutherland in the late 1800s.

A core principle of BCST is that health is always present in the body. The  therapist typically looks for and encourages the forces of health to set the  priorities of the session and to bring about natural adjustments from within the body’s own resources.

BCST is therefore a very profound therapy, which enables the therapist and  patient to gain access to the root causes of many conditions.

Biodynamic touch is light, still and reverential, there is never any pressure,  manipulation or force involved. Performed on a massage table, the client  remains fully clothed.

The therapist is trained to create a calm, still and embodied presence, which  enables the client to feel safe, supported and held. This sense of safety  allows the brain to switch from flight or fight to rest and repair. It is in this state that healing and change can take place.

Clients seek treatments for an extensive range of symptoms which can  include – but are not limited to – physical pain, emotional imbalance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ,fatigue, disconnection with my own body sensations, stress related conditions sleep, immunity disorders as well as difficulties with sleep and digestive issues.

BCST is gentle and suitable for all ages, including during pregnancy, after  childbirth, with newborns, young children, adults and the elderly.

A core principle of BCST is that health is always present in the body. The therapist typically looks for and encourages the forces of health to set the priorities of the session and to bring about natural adjustments from within
the body’s own resources.

BCST is therefore a very profound therapy, which enables the therapist and patient to gain access to the root causes of many conditions. Clients seek treatments for an extensive range of symptoms which can
include – but are not limited to – physical pain, emotional imbalance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ,fatigue, disconnection with my own body sensations, stress related conditions sleep, immunity disorders as well as
difficulties with sleep and digestive issues.

The therapist is trained to create a calm, still and embodied presence, which enables the client to feel safe, supported and held. This sense of safety allows the brain to switch from flight or fight to rest and repair. It is in thisstate that healing and change can take place.

Biodynamic touch is light, still and reverential, there is never any pressure, manipulation or force involved. Performed on a massage table, the client remains fully clothed.

BCST is gentle and suitable for all ages, including during pregnancy, after childbirth, with newborns, young children, adults and the elderly.


Experiences that are too overwhelming or traumatic to cope with, can be stored in the system, locking the body in a “fight or flight” state, effects of this unresolved trauma can lead to illness and disease.

BCST works particularly well with trauma, by gently facilitating your body and brain to resolve held experiences, without the need to revisit the original traumatic incident.Working on the somatic memory and emotional charge
stored in the body after trauma, BCST complements very well with talk therapies.

Symptoms that respond well to BCST include – but are not limited to:

• Fight-flight-freeze response patterns
• Dissociation
• Hyper vigilance – being ‘on guard’
• Significant tension in own body
• Stress, anxiety and related conditions
• Fatigue
• Sense of disconnection from own body
• Sense of overwhelm
• Lack of sensations, physical discomfort/numbness in own body

Results BCST clients report – but are not limited to:
• Significant reduction of anxiety, overwhelm, stress and
related conditions
• Reduced tension in body

• reduction of physical discomfort / numbness
• Calmer responses to triggers & better coping with stressful
• Increased mental clarity
• Feeling healthier and happier

• Feeling more grounded, balanced and centred
• Greater vitality & better overall health
• Increased embodiment/body awareness
• Enjoying an easier and more harmonious dynamic with
others and life

What Happens During a Session?

During the initial consultation, Natascia will allow some time for you to relax and feel comfortable. She will ask you some questions in order to gather enough understanding of your situation and needs.
You will then be invited to lay down on the massage table (comfortable clothes are recommended). Natascia will offer you some optional cushions and blanket, to help you optimise your comfort during the session.

Through deep skilled somatic listening, Natascia will then contact your body with feather-like touch. She will ‘listen’ to the subtleties of your system and follow its inherent ‘instructions’ to the areas where your system would like to be supported by biodynamic craniosacral contact, in order to allow change and integration. A light, reverent and still feather touch is what you will perceive, no manipulation will ever be involved.

Each session is led by your system. This means that change will happen accordingly to your comfort, at a pace directed by your body. This avoids overwhelm or re-traumatisation, and the results are therefore long lasting.

Results can be perceived after the first session, but a series of 3 to 6 treatments is generally recommended, in order to provide your body with a good opportunity for change and integration. Once the desired outcomes are reached, treatments can be then diluted to monthly maintenance, followed by occasional sessions.

How much does it cost?


Natascia aims to keep her fees to an accessible rate, but please let her know if you find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Each treatment – 1 hour 30 mins – $150


How can I find out more?

For appointments please call Bardon reception on 3368 1300. You will be asked to leave your contact details and Natascia will contact you shortly after. 

Natascia is available for a free pre-booking phone call, when she can listen to  your individual needs and answer any questions you might have before  booking an appointment.

 You can find more information about BCST at: https://www.bcst.info

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”   Plutarch